Hello bloggers out there who so happen to fall across this blog. Just incase anyone doesn't know, my name is Jenna and I'm 14 currently :) I live in New Jersey and I have eleven pets, two dogs, one cat, six rabbits, and two miniature horses. Some of my favorite things to do is chat with my bestest friends, watch videos, draw, write poetry (Soon to be a part of my blog) and play with all the animals (trust me, theres a lot to play with ).
I'm mainly a tom boyish kinda kid. I don't like dressin up and I always wear jeans and a t-shirt. I love video games as much as the next guy. Sword fights and police chases on tv are always fun to watch, well, atleast to me. I like a lot of weird things, I love the color pink, and I love a good crime show. I hate wearing pink though, I don't really know why. One of my favorite shows is called Psych, my favorite crime comedy. Though there aren't many crime comedies out there. My favorite movie is Inkheart which is also my favorite book trilogy. Right now my favorite school subject is probably my online literature class cause I have a lot of friends in it. My favorite names for some reason start with "j". If you wanna know more about me just ask away hehe. PEACE OUT!!