Tuesday, September 27, 2011

School days and sick days

So school has started... It actually started a while ago, but I haven't been blogging much, I've been a little distracted.

 Currently I was sick last week with my brother. Now my dad and sister are sick and we are all hoping mom doesn't get sick. Also last week, I think it was Sunday, we had to put my mini horse Starlight down.. So, that was devastating considering he was considered "my" mini while Cookies, the other one, was considered my sister's. I really miss him and it's weird when I go out to feed Cookies and Star isn't there to say hello. He bit everyone but me, so I felt special haha. As we say, he's gone over the Rainbow Bridge where he's happily frolicking through fields of grass along with many new animal friends! Like my cat Grayson, and a LOT of our rabbits....

  In less depressing news, I have joined my church's youth worship team!!! Well, I almost got kicked out for missing ONE practice (strict huh? ), but they said I could have a makeup lesson at some point. As for the date of worship, it'll be October 30th at 10:30 I believe is the time...

 So, that's just about it. I think you're all caught up now.. Peace out till later yo! oh, and above is a picture of Starlight. I might add he was only about 4 and a half. or younger